OrderPaper Nigeria: 22 Moments and Milestones of 2022


Hello Fellow Compatriot,

2022 was an amazing year for the OrderPaper brand. On both the civic advocacy and media flanks, the team worked relentlessly to surprise ourselves and consolidate our position of acclaim as Nigeria’s premier legislative interface and public policy think-tank of repute. 

Of course, while we recorded some milestones during the year, there were also a few challenges and unmet targets. We regarded those challenges as stepping stones that would spur the team to more successes in the coming year. 

Cheers to a great year and here’s a toast to our 22 Moments and Milestones of Celebrations in 2022.

Oke Epia,
Executive Director
OrderPaper Nigeria


In 2022 OrderPaper achieved notable milestones in resource mobilization, especially in securing grants


In the course of the year OrderPaper has produced three exclusive, insightful and incisive Knowledge Products to demonstrate OrderPaper’s thought leadership in Legislative Accountability, Public Finance Management (PFM) and Transparency, Accountability and Good Governance (TAGG) in the extractive sector. These include:

  • Where is the money? A revenue remittance compliance index of Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (Vol 1)
  • Mainstreaming Fiscal Responsibility in Nigeria’s Petroleum Sector

Similarly, the Public presentation of first-ever National Assembly Annual Report (Independent Performance Appraisals of the Legislature) at the National Assembly.The Annual Report impacted 469 legislators, 2,988 Bills (1,979 HoR and 1,009 Senate), 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), as well as the Executive arm of Government at the Federal Level. 


Successful tracking of 2021 Zonal Inspection Projects (ZIP) in the South West and South East geo-political zones of Nigeria. This is in line with the organisation’s mandate to keep citizens in the loop on how well or not their representatives carry out their legislative functions. Hence the  Zonal Intervention Projects were tracked across Imo, Anambra, Abia, Enugu, Ebonyi, Osun, Ondo, Lagos, Oyo, Ogun and Ekiti Federal Constituencies.


The 2022 season was filled all year round with high impact activities and events. 

  • We had 10 specially packaged Public Engagement Events on Fiscal Reforms, Extractive Transparency, and voter education and mobilisation
  • The First-ever Town Hall on Legislative Elections for National Assembly candidates in the FCT with 13 candidates, 8 political parties, and 180 citizens across the FCT impacted 

Successful nomination of 55 members of the National Assembly for possible induction into the first-ever Most Valuable Parliamentarians (MVPs) Hall of Fame. The nominees were unveiled at a high-profile event held at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel Abuja.


In building collaboration across board to enable project productivity and sustainability, OrderPaper did not rest on its oars as it fostered a series of advocacy  and bilateral meetings. These include:

  • 13 Advocacy visits to state and non-state actors and entities on the GIFT and VOTER Projects.
  • Policy Dialogue on Constituency Projects.


The importance of social media in the age of digital reportage cannot be overemphasised.  Using this all important tool for engagement OrderPaper was able to engage thousand on;

  • 7 OPENSpace events on Twitter totalling 840 minutes of intensive engagements on parliamentary education and legislative governance featuring 14 Guests/Subject Matter Experts and reaching 1000 Live Listeners and 3000 impressions 
  • 30 episodes of Street Parliament Series with over 80 interviews conducted with citizens, including females and Persons Living With Disabilities (PWDs).
  • 3,000 stories published on the OrderPaper website, comprising 500 exclusive pieces, 150 Parliament Memes, 45 Parliament Spotlight Profiles, etc with a combined reach of 3,000,000 readers 
  • Comprehensive revamp of the OrderPaper website with introduction of spanking new interactive features like Reach Your Rep, Citizen Speak and ‘First to know’ interfaces


As a brand that is always seeking to grow the consciousness of citizens on parliamentary education and engagement, this often requires the need to partner with key stakeholders. Hence, in 2022 OrderPaper expanded its partnerships and collaborations by: 

  • Onboarding of 400 Leg’ACEs (Active Citizens Engaging the Legislature) into the specially curated OrderPaper community of champions
  • Was elected as Lead Organisation/Secretariat for the Nigeria Network of Parliamentary Organisations (PMOs)
  • Grew partnerships and collaborations with leading Civil Society organisations like BudgIT, EiE, FixPolitics, Line Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal Government, ETC 


The media coverage for 2022 is one the organisation is proud and thankful for. It helped to get our brand message and contents across to a wider audience and helped establish our business as credible and our activities as niche carving. Using a powerful tool such as media coverage, we had:
• Over 60 media exposures and reportage in mainstream national print, radio, television and online media
• Designed and implemented 32 Radio programmes with over 960 minutes of public awareness and citizen engagements (on extractive sector transparency and accountability and voter education on the 2023 elections) featuring 26 Guests/Subject Matter Experts and 35 callers reaching 13.5million listeners and over 30,000 others on Facebook livestream

  • A SNEAK INTO 2023

Fired up by the milestones of 2022, we look to 2023 with much anticipation and zest. Watch out for a consolidation of the above achievements and more ground-breaking innovations in civic advocacy and media activism. Here’s a few teasers in the loop: Improved and regular LIFE (Legislative Intelligence Forecast Entry) Services (weekly and quarterly); Legislative Masterclasses; Legislative Town Halls; MVPs Hall of Fame; among others we’d allow to cool off in the bag for now.

The leadership, management and entire team of OrderPaper Nigeria would love to say a big thanks to you, dear citizen out there, for being our biggest supporter and enabler. Without availing us of your good offices, support and goodwill, we would not have been able to record an impressive 2022. In fact, without you there would be no us. We say thank you very much as we earnestly crave your support in the coming 2023!

We also like to place on record the immense support of our grantors, partners and collaborators. We are grateful as we look forward to a more engaging and rewarding 2023 together!

As Nigeria’s premier, preeminent policy think-tank and multi-platform legislative interface, OrderPaper promises to stay true to our Core Value Proposition (CVR) of bridging the gap between people and parliament and to be the most authoritative organisation of choice and reference for parliamentary reporting, legislative advocacy and public policy advisory in Nigeria. 

That is why we would always be driven by the ACT of Parliament principles of Authority; Confidentiality; and Trust in stakeholder relationship management while maintaining our core values of Dedication and Dependability; Innovation and Industry; Passion and Reliability; and Excellence in Service Delivery (DIPE).


We value your support and friendship. We would therefore be most delighted to keep in touch and continue to serve you the best way we can. Kindly subscribe to our exclusive, rich and niche newsletters here. Also enjoy our content and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube @OrderPaper and @OrderPaperToday on Instagram. You can also join our WhatsApp community here; and don’t forget to turn on notifications on our website – www.orderpaper.ng – to be the first to get latest cutting-edge data-driven legislative intelligence, curated knowledge products and regular updates on the Parliament in Nigeria.

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Parliament Reports is a media platform that provides legislative intelligence, policy analysis, data analytics, and dedicated reportage of Nigeria's national and state assemblies. Parliament Reports is owned by OrderPaper Nigeria

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