As OrderPaper gets commendation for fiscal reforms advocacy | The case of USAID-funded GIFT project

Joy EruraneDecember 1, 20247 min

The commendation from SCALE Chief of Party is a testament to the power of dedication, collaboration, and impactful advocacy delivered by OrderPaper.

Background to the reform advocacy

Nigeria’s public finance landscape has long been plagued by challenges of accountability, transparency, and a staggering debt burden, which has surged to an alarming ₦121.67 trillion (as at Q2 2024) and has led to escalated public borrowing. In response to these pressing issues, OrderPaper Advocacy Initiative (OAI) conceived the Growth Initiatives for Fiscal Transparency (GIFT) project and secured funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE) project implemented by Palladium International. OrderPaper delivered GIFT by leading a cluster of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) comprising of Centre for Transparency Advocacy (CTA), HipCity Innovation Centre, CLICE Foundation, and AdvoKC.  

GIFT aims to reform public finance management in Nigeria, reshape the narrative surrounding it, and address the crucial need for Transparency, Accountability, and Good Governance (TAGG) in public finance management. In leading the cluster, OAI demonstrated resilience, innovation, and a strong commitment to reform. 

Read Also: GIFT: CSOs decry Nigeria’s huge debt, deepen advocacy for fiscal reforms

Steady focus on the FRA amendment 

While Nigeria has laws designed to promote transparency and accountability in public finance management, including the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) of 2007, these laws often lack the necessary power to enforce compliance. This gap, coupled with weak revenue mobilisation and a culture of wasteful spending, underscored the need for urgent reforms.

From it’s inception, advocating for a robust Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) has been at the forefront of the GIFT cluster’s advocacy efforts, grounded in the belief that transparency and accountability in fiscal matters would lead to a more effective public service delivery. This guiding principle steered every activity, from high-level advocacy interfaces to grassroots engagements. However, navigating the complexities of government processes has not been without challenges.

Various activities leading to the SCALE commendation

Low public engagement and other challenges

A significant challenge faced during implementation was the low awareness among citizens. Many citizens were disconnected from the intricacies of Nigeria’s public finance system, resulting in minimal engagement in holding the government accountable. Furthermore, legislative inaction and a complicated stakeholder landscape initially slowed momentum, as even some lawmakers were unaware of the Fiscal Responsibility Commission’s (FRC) role or the provisions of the FRA 2007.

Recognising these challenges, the GIFT cluster proactively addressed them and made substantial strides. Effective advocacy efforts were launched to secure legislative support for necessary reforms, particularly the amendment of the FRA 2007. Also, the high-level dialogues which brought together key lawmakers not only provided a platform for discussing the urgent need for fiscal accountability but also led to the identification of a key sponsor for the FRA amendment bill.

A major breakthrough came when the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Benjamin Okezie Kalu, alongside six other lawmakers, including the House Majority Leader Rep. Julius Ihonvbere, sponsored the Fiscal Responsibility Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill, 2024. This bill aims to empower the FRC to combat fiscal indiscipline and corruption, while promoting accountability by enforcing the provisions of the law.

Read Also: ANALYSIS: As Nigeria’s fiscal reform sets sail in NASS

Big win for the FRA bill

Through targeted advocacy, the bill successfully passed its first reading in June 2024, advanced to its second reading, and passed its second reading by October, demonstrating the cluster’s strategic engagement with legislative stakeholders.

Beyond legislative achievements, the GIFT cluster also excelled in public engagement. The ‘GIFT Half Hour’ radio show, which served as an outreach initiative aimed at empowering citizens with information about crucial fiscal issues, reached over 18 million listeners. This initiative fostered widespread awareness about the urgent need for fiscal reforms and stimulated demands for government accountability. The show also attracted high-profile guests, including legislators, analysts, and civil society leaders, further amplifying its impact.

Another crucial element of the GIFT cluster’s success lay in its strategic partnerships. Collaborations with private sector groups, the Office of Secretary to the Government of the Federation, and the Presidential Committee on Tax Reforms and Fiscal Policy broadened the advocacy’s outreach and garnered essential support for necessary recommendations.

OrderPaper gets USAID commendation
The effective leadership of OrderPaper  in managing cluster dynamics played a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations through regular planning sessions and clear task delegation. This allowed the cluster to swiftly seize advocacy opportunities, including meetings with key lawmakers and stakeholders.

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The commendation as tastament to the GIFT cluster

These strides led the SCALE Chief of Party, Lydia Odeh, to specially recognise OrderPaper among the numerous partners the project worked with in the four years of its existence. The commendation letter was addressed to Oke Epia, Founder/Executive Director of OrderPaper and delivered shortly before SCALE officially closed in October. According to the SCALE chief of party, OrderPaper delivered beyond the satisfaction of Palladium and USAID. Indeed, the recognition embodied in the letter of commendation is a reflection of the cluster’s impact in Nigeria’s fiscal space. By addressing the systemic flaws in Nigeria’s fiscal framework, the cluster has not only raised awareness but also laid the groundwork for sustainable reforms.

The commendation journey for OrderPaperThe  commendation serves as both a recognition of milestones achieved and a call to continue the important work of promoting fiscal transparency and accountability in Nigeria.

Although the SCALE project has come to an end, OrderPaper and partners in the GIFT cluster remain steadfast in the mission to promote fiscal discipline and accountability in Nigeria’s public finance management. The ongoing advocacy for the passage of the FRA amendment bill, coupled with the commitment to public awareness and stakeholder collaboration, is poised to deliver long-lasting benefits for Nigeria’s governance and development.

Joy Erurane

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